The American College of Eye Surgeons

What Is The American College of Eye Surgeons (ACES)?

The American College of Eye Surgery was founded in 1987 by John Sheets, Gale Martin, and visionary peers with the sole purpose of fostering an emphasis on quality surgical care in ophthalmology. For nearly a quarter century, ACES has continually “upped the bar” through innovation, education, mentoring, and providing a skills certification arm through the American Board of Eye Surgery. Throughout our history, our membership has selflessly contributed to the body of modern ophthalmic surgical technique and has helped hundreds of surgeons reach their untapped potential.
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Doctor And Patient — Havertown, PA — American College of Eye Surgeons

Benefits Of Joining ACES 

  • Quarterly e-Newsletter – Get up to date changes on techniques and government regulations from our quarterly e-Newsletter. Please be sure to include your email address on the membership application so we can add you to our mailing list. 
  • Discounted registration at the annual ACES/SEE Island Quality Surgery Seminar. 
  • Mentoring Program – Members can rely on each other on a continuing basis. As part of our network, members are encouraged to visit other practices and observe surgery, as well as pre and post-operative care, in order to enhance their own expertise. 
  • Listing in our online membership directory 

Our Organization

The American College of Eye Surgeons is organized as a non-profit membership corporation under the provisions of the District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation Act. The American College of Eye Surgeons has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

The American College of Eye Surgeons is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members of ACES. The Board of Directors appoints an Executive Committee which is authorized to take action on behalf of ACES in the intervals between Board of Directors’ meetings.

In Order To Be Eligible For A Regular Membership In The American College Of Eye Surgeons, An Ophthalmologist Will Be Required To:

  1. Be eligible for certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology or currently be completing training leading to certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology;
  2. Be actively engaged in the provision of ophthalmic surgical services; and 
  3. Commit to accumulating at least 20 hours of continuing medical education credits each year. 
ACES also admits to membership, as non-voting Associate Members, any person, firm, corporation, or other enterprise directly or indirectly connected with the provision of ophthalmic surgical services. The American College of Eye Surgeons encourages Associate Membership for any person, as well as national and international organizations, dedicated to the maintenance of high-quality eye care. Associate Members are invited to participate in all the activities of the American College of Eye Surgeons.


The American College of Eye Surgeons is funded through membership fees, assessments of regular and Associate members, contributions, and revenues generated from programs and publications sponsored by ACES. 


The American College of Eye Surgeons is currently managed by its Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Executive Committee serves on a voluntary basis and is reimbursed for its expenses only. ACES employs an Executive Director to coordinate and manage its activities.
February 6-9, 2026
Kempinski Hotel Cancún
Cancún, Quintana Roo México


2026 Caribbean Eye Meeting

Our annual island meeting provides a forum for frank discussion and critique of current concepts in cataract and refractive surgery, all in a setting conducive to individual exchange, honest dialogue, and the fellowship of other surgeons who face identical challenges in their professional careers. The island atmosphere provides a wonderful environment for much needed relaxation with family, friends, and colleagues. It is the perfect setting for meaningful, unhurried, and in-depth exchange of ideas, be they at the podium, or on the beach.

Caribbean Eye is also the one meeting where fulfilling your CME requirement is truly that, not simply a certificate documenting sitting in a lecture room, but useful, bonafide continuing education that you’ll use immediately upon returning to your practice. Our 35th annual meeting will be held February 6 – 9, 2026 at the Kempinski Hotel Cancún, Cancún, Quintana Roo México. 
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