The American College of Eye Surgeons

About ACES

About ACES

Ophthalmic surgery serves a central role in maintaining the visual health and general wellbeing of this nation’s population. The provision of high quality ophthalmic surgical services as a component of ophthalmic care is increasingly more crucial. 

While the explosion in technology and advances in surgical technique and expertise have increased the importance of ophthalmic surgery in eye care, and the complexity of the procedures involved, the attention of government regulators, insurers, health maintenance organizations, other alternative delivery systems, and the public, have too often ignored the need to maintain and assure the quality of the ophthalmic surgical services. 

In the face of escalating pressure to cut costs, and the potentially dynamic changes in health care delivery, it is especially important that the public, governmental and private payors, and, perhaps most importantly, physicians themselves, remain cognizant of the importance of maintaining high standards of quality in the provision of ophthalmic surgical services. 

It is within this context that the American College of Eye Surgeons (ACES) was formed. The fundamental objective of ACES is to promote high quality standards in the provision of ophthalmic surgical services. ACES is committed to assuring a continuing awareness of the importance and value of high quality ophthalmic surgical services among the public, governmental regulators, insurers, alternative delivery systems and others. 

The American College of Eye Surgeons is committed to certification as a means of ensuring high quality surgical services. ACES supports the education, training and advancement of ophthalmic surgical techniques and expertise, and serves as a resource and forum for ophthalmic surgeons. The American College of Eye Surgeons seeks to foster and advance research, innovation, and continuing education of ophthalmologists in order to promote and support the performance of the highest quality ophthalmic surgical services. Finally, ACES seeks to develop public awareness of the importance of quality and value in the provision of ophthalmic surgical services and supports certification as a benchmark of quality. 

To Achieve These Ends, The American College Of Eye Surgeons Intends:

  1. To conduct research and educational programs to demonstrate and publicize the contribution of certification to quality patient care; 
  2. To provide programs to facilitate communication through sharing of expertise and consultation among ophthalmic surgeons; 
  3. To provide information to ophthalmic surgeons, through newsletters or other communications relating to the practice of high-quality ophthalmic surgery; 
  4. To sponsor conferences, surgical skill workshops and meetings for ophthalmic surgeons to further the standards of practice and quality in ophthalmic surgery; and 
  5. To advance the interest of ophthalmic surgeons before federal and state agencies and, where appropriate, third party payors. 

Our Organization

The American College of Eye Surgeons is organized as a non-profit membership corporation under the provisions of the District of Columbia Non-Profit Corporation Act. The American College of Eye Surgeons has tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code. 

The American College of Eye Surgeons is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members of ACES. The Board of Directors appoints an Executive Committee which is authorized to take action on behalf of ACES in the intervals between Board of Directors’ meetings. 

In Order To Be Eligible For A Regular Membership In The American College Of Eye Surgeons, An Ophthalmologist Will Be Required To:

  1. Be eligible for certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology or currently be completing training leading to certification by the American Board of Ophthalmology; 
  2. Be actively engaged in the provision of ophthalmic surgical services; and 
  3. Commit to accumulating at least 20 hours of continuing medical education credits each year. 
ACES also admits to membership, as non-voting Associate Members, any person, firm, corporation, or other enterprise directly or indirectly connected with the provision of ophthalmic surgical services. The American College of Eye Surgeons encourages Associate Membership for any person, as well as national and international organizations, dedicated to the maintenance of high-quality eye care. Associate Members are invited to participate in all the activities of the American College of Eye Surgeons. 


The American College of Eye Surgeons is funded through membership fees, assessments of regular and Associate members, contributions, and revenues generated from programs and publications sponsored by ACES.
The American College of Eye Surgeons is currently managed by its Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Executive Committee serves on a voluntary basis and is reimbursed for its expenses only. ACES employs an Executive Director to coordinate and manage its activities. 


The American College of Eye Surgeons is currently managed by its Board of Directors and Executive Committee. The Executive Committee serves on a voluntary basis and is reimbursed for its expenses only. ACES employs an Executive Director to coordinate and manage its activities. 
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